Oct. 29, 2021

Jorene Lomenzo: Whim-spook-ical

Jorene Lomenzo: Whim-spook-ical

You can be sure Jorene Lomenzo’s heart is racing in excitement whenever she’s clicking refresh in anticipation of a shop update or standing in line to get into an art show. Jorene is a Halloween art collector and blogger. “There’s so...

You can be sure Jorene Lomenzo’s heart is racing in excitement whenever she’s clicking refresh in anticipation of a shop update or standing in line to get into an art show. Jorene is a Halloween art collector and blogger. “There’s so little in life that brings me this much joy,” sums up how she feels about collecting.  

Jorene’s superstitious grandmother sparked her obsession for all things spooky. Her grandmother believed her colicky uncle was cursed by a witch. If you’ve ever known a colicky baby, that’s a great description of how it feels to care for an infant suffering with it.  

Jorene is energized by the community of Halloween artists, collectors, and bloggers. She is a member of the Samhain Society – a group of Halloween content creators. Her blog features artists creating original Halloween art and is filled with pictures of art that Jorene loves.  

She calls her style “whimspookical” - a combination of whimsical and spooky. Jorene only buys works that she absolutely loves. Her collection stays up all year in a “museum room.” She loves to watch the reaction of people when they see her art collection for the first time.  

Jorene’s town of Windsor, CT has a few interesting facts for spooky lovers. It was the site of the first person executed for witchcraft in the colonies (Alse Young in 1647) and is home to the Archer-Gilligan House, the real “Arsenic and Old Lace” house. 

Jorene Lomenzo Profile Photo

Jorene Lomenzo

Halloween art collector and creator of the Shivers of Delight Halloween Art blog where she captures the spooky, macabre, and odd things that catch her fancy.