Oct. 31, 2024
A Witch for Every Kitchen

Grab your broom and journey to the enchanting world of Kitchen Witches to uncover their cultural significance. Join the movement to revive their popularity. This episode features insights from various creators and collectors, shedding light on their...
Grab your broom and journey to the enchanting world of Kitchen Witches to uncover their cultural significance. Join the movement to revive their popularity. This episode features insights from various creators and collectors, shedding light on their enduring fascination.
Thank you to all of our content contributors:
- Anna Allen, (Aw Shucks Annie Dolls): https://www.facebook.com/awshucksanniedolls and https://www.instagram.com/awshucksanniedolls
- Jennie Hepler-Takens (My Dearest Witch): http://www.mydearestwitch.com
- Kris Gurky (Dark Moon Salem): https://www.instagram.com/dark_moon_salem/
- Mary Lynn Cudejko (Bewitching Peddlers of Halloween Fan and Owl Collector)
- Lauren Demers-Windom (Witches for Kitchens): https://www.instagram.com/witchesforkitchens
- Pat Benedict (Woopitydoo Art): https://www.facebook.com/Woopitydooart and https://www.instagram.com/woopitydooart
- Rebecca Miller Campbell (Rebecca Miller Campbell Designs): https://millercampbelldesigns.com/
- Ryan Knight (The Handmade Knight): https://www.instagram.com/the_handmade_knight/
- Stephanie (Stevi) Tiongco (Stevi T Fiber Art): https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063437424746
- Ter Brazier (Host of the Merman Podcast): https://www.instagram.com/the_merman_podcast
- Vanessa K. Eccles (Fabled Collective): https://www.fabledcollective.com/
To look at some fun pictures of kitchen witches, visit my Resources page: https://www.halloweenartandtravel.com/p/resources/